Clarence Henry Spiller Sr - オンライン・メモリアル・ウェブサイト

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Clarence Spiller Sr
出生地United States
72 years
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For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.William Penn

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Clarence Henery Spiller Sr who was born in United States Pawnee, Oklahoma on May 9, 1934 and passed away on January 3, 2007 at the age of 72. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.  We love you!


Candice (Spiller) Pellerin

I love you Grandpa.. I love you so much. My greatest memory of you.. WELL I cant pick just one. BUT Id say every time Id rub your head and u'd chase me.. I miss that alot.. haha.. It was OUR thing! I miss you telling me stories like they do in old John Wayne movies.. I miss you tellin me I had your SPILLER Nose. I just miss you! I wrote a song on Facebook that I want you to read.. I'll post it up here on your site for you. I love you and Gma so much..

Love always

Your Christmas BBY

Breanna Nichole Willoughby
Today my grandma has been gone for 13 yrs and i still miss her just like i miss my grandpa and not a day goes by that i dont think abt them and how i wish they were still here.. I LOVE YALL AND MISS YALL
Deloris Irene Spiller Willoughby

Well today im sitting here thinking about yall.well in 23 more days is christmas and i really aint in the mood to celebrate cause both of yall are gone.I know yall wouldnt want me to sit around and miss yall especilly on that day.cause it is suposse to be a of joy,and happiness. but Ireally dont feel like it.but im going to celabrate it any way.because yall would want me to for the im going to do it anyways.and  i dont know where babygirl is. i worry about her.well im closing for now love yall always.



Deloris Irene Spiller Willoughby
Well I sit here today thinking about my DADDY i cant believe he is really gone.It has been 7 months since my daddy passed away to go be with my mommy.Well today Iam just sitting around thinking of them both wishing I could see them.But I know deep down inside me they are with me always.Because there is somthing's nobody can take from know my Mommy has been gone for 11 years and 5 months and i miss her know being the 2nd to the youngest child is hard.Especially when both parents are gone.but I tell myself one day Iwill be with them again.And they are looking down from heaven at all of us kids [all 12 kids] and saying to each other we are lucky to have a bunch of good kids,grandkids,and great grandkids,like that.So even though I miss them I know that they are happy with all of us.And i also know that they are with loved ones that have been waiting for come home to the lord.This I will say I Love Them Both Always And Forever. I LOVE YALL.       LOVE LITTLEBIT

Well today i sit and wonder how i can get through this.But i know that i can because i know you are with me.yesterday was JR's b-day and i know he was missing you.well i know that mom and you r happy.well daddy it has been almost 4 mnths since you left this world and i just want to tell ya that i miss ya very much and i love ya.i dont know how to get through this but im trying one day at a know my dr said i am to young to lose both parents.if he only knew how much he was right.but i promise im going to be fine.well candice is getting married on June 16-2007 and me and Breanna is in it i know you and mom will be watching the wedding in heaven.and she will know yall r there.well i miss yall very much

                                 love littlebit

Candice Missing YOU November 24, 2009
I am missing you gpa, now and forever.
I am missing your smile and your embrace.
I am missing your warmth love that surrounds me.
I am Missing YOU!
I love you GPA!
all my love, your grand-daugther
Candice Pellerin
Candie Another Year Gone. March 19, 2009

Another year has gone. its the yr 2009! its been 2 years since u passed gpa! I miss ya alot. and gma too! I cant believe your gone. But ure NEVER FOROTTEN! I just wanted to write ya to tell ya that Robert and I are fixing to have sum little lins.. LOL. We are trying to have kids, so u'll be a great grandpa again! even though they will never git to meet ya, They will know abt u and gma and how much u loved me! and how much you would of loved them! Well I love u and miss u and gma very much!


all my love



Candice A YEAR HAS PASSED... January 5, 2008

A year has passed since I have seen your smiling face, hear you laugh and seen you cry. A year has passed since the Grandpa I know went Home to be with JESUS. A year has passed and still I miss you. I grived on the 3rd @ 8.00pm when your last breath on earth was breathed. In a twinkle of an eye you were there at the Gates of Heaven and Grandma was wating. Wating for her one TRUE LOVE! Grandpa I do miss you, but now I am happy that your looking down on me smiling, and loving me  and being proud of me b/c I kept my promise to you. Even though you were not there you were in spirit I know that NOW!! That candle that was burning was your candle that kept burning while the others blew out!! I love you and miss you.. And I know one day we will see each other.. Love Always

                   ure Christmas Baby

                            Candice Marie (Spiller) Pellerin

littlebit missing yall September 17, 2007

Well I sit here today and i am missing yall everyday.but i know yall are with me.yesterday I told yall that i went to the doctor and they are all quacks.they said the dr said this pain is left over from back surgery 6 years ago.but  like i said they r quacks. i just want to say i love yall very much and i miss and kisses everyday.

 love your baby daughter


Breanna Granda May 23, 2007

On June 17th will be the hardest because i will be 16 and my grandpa will not be here to watch me grow up to be a beautiful young woman and i will and i will be upset and just know that he will be watching over me, him and grandma both. i will always love them both they are my guardian angels

Love your granddaughter, breanna

gma n gpa gpa n dog gpa 2004 X2X gpa navy gpa n dog This is My Mom and My Grandpa-